TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Police helping people with broken tail lights instead of giving tickets

Policeman on the job writing a ticket

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Police helping people with broken tail lights instead of giving tickets

This has probably happened to you at some point in all the years you’ve been driving. You see the police lights behind you, immediately panic, go through your mental checklist of “what was I doing” realize you were going the speed limit… didn’t blow a stop sign… everything is up to date… “so why are they pulling me over?!” Only to have the officer come up to the window and say “do you know you have a tail light out?” Of course you didn’t. How would you know unless someone told you!

This is technically an offence they can ticket you for. If you’re having an unlucky day you might get one. But drivers in Denver recently have had the opposite happen. Police have been pulling people over with busted tail lights and instead of handing them a ticket/fine… they’re giving them $25 gift cards to an auto parts shop so they can fix it.

What a great move on their part! They should implement this here in Connecticut immediately.


Photo credit: Getty Images

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