Can you recall your earliest memory? You’ll be surprised to hear what age scientists say you how far you can think back to! (0:00)
Every single dad abides by some sort of “dad law”. What are dad laws and some examples of them? Find out right here in the podcast! (4:12)
If you do THIS at a child’s softball game, that’s all I need to know about you! (8:09)
Three news stories but the twist is we only discuss one! Producer Sean picks the most interesting story about a girl’s revenge story on an ex! (10:48)
What are some of the most common misspelled words!? We fill you in on what they are and see if Producer Jon and Producer Sean can spell any one of them. (13:29)
Anna has been dealing with an ant infestation and asked you for the best solution to get rid of them once and for all. (17:26)
Want to win the Dad in your life a $50 gift card to Home Depot for Father’s Day? All you have to do is play Craig’s List Price is Right: Father’s Day Edition! (23:18)
Couples Court: John and Maureen’s kids have asked to go to an amusement park this Sunday for Father’s Day. Mom thinks it’s a great idea. He thinks it’s ridiculous that they must spend “his” day doing something that the kids want to do. If it was up to him, they would just grill at home and watch movies. Why do they have to go battle crowds, and go on rides that will make him vomit? She says that he’s acting like a baby, its summertime, school is over, and it’s time to do family things! They can stay home and watch Netflix any time! Whose side are you on? (25:32)
Raven is on a short vacation so we decided to play the times that you could beat Raven! (30:30)
Anna and her husband Paul ran into a situation involving a pedestrian and traffic. Anna thinks she did the right thing, but Paul says otherwise. Five calls say it all! Did she do the right thing or should she have done what her husband Paul said!? (34:24)