If you’ve ever purchased used or previously owned vehicle you may have come across something in the car from the previous owners. Some sunglasses, a pack of gum, but probably nothing like what this family found.
A nine-year-old kid in Indiana found an envelope filled with $5,000 under a floormat of the new car his family had just bought last fall. He showed his dad and they made the right call and decided to contact the previous owners to return the money. Turns out, they had lost the cash filled envelope while on a road trip a few years ago and had no idea where it went. Just assumed it was gone forever. They were shocked when the boy and his dad returned it to them. They ended up letting the kid keep $1,000 of it as a thank you reward.
See, everybody wins in this story! Doing the right thing is always the way to go.
Photo credit: Getty Images
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