MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Has Best Picture always been the last Award at the Oscars?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Has Best Picture always been the last Award at the Oscars?

Since the 1948 Oscars Best Picture has always been as the last award of the night. Until this year. Confusing everyone, the producers of the show decided Best Picture would happen before actress and actor categories for some crazy reason.

The only other year, since 1948, that it wasn’t the final award given was in 1971 when they gave an honorary award to Charlie Chaplin before the show ended.

Some people on the internet are speculating today that they decided to end on Best Actor because the producers assumed the award would go to the late Chadwick Boseman for his role in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom making for an emotional poignant ending to the show. Instead, none of that happened and Anthony Hopkins won for The Father. Which he was excellent in, but it made for a very awkward end to an already weird Oscar night.

What will they do NEXT year?! Maybe Best Picture to open the show?!


Photo credit: Chris Pizzello/Pool via REUTERS