Tell Me Something Good: Guy Plays His Bagpipes Every Night To Keep Neighborhood’s Spirit Alive During Pandemic

A piper playing the bagpipes at a Highland Games event in ScotlandSee also my lightbox

Tell Me Something Good: Guy Plays His Bagpipes Every Night To Keep Neighborhood’s Spirit Alive During Pandemic

I know it’s not March and we sort of didn’t get a St. Patrick’s Day this year because of Coronavirus, but an someone who’s Irish I love this story.

Every night since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic a Pennsylvania man named Michael Luckenbill goes outside plays his bagpipes at 6 p.m. for everyone in his neighborhood. He’s been doing it every night for roughly the last 100 nights. He says he just keeps doing it to help keep the neighborhood spirit alive.

Read the full story and see him perform here


Image credit: Getty Images