:60 Behind The Scenes

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- How Anna and Raven talk between walls
Talking through soundproofing is nearly impossible, so we use hand signals. Except when Raven doesn’t ever come into the other studios to see if these wacky movements actually mean something! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Can Anna and Raven hit the high notes like Mariah Carey
Tomorrow, Anna & Raven have two chances to get you into Mariah Carey when she comes to the Oakdale Theatre! All you have to do is hit the high note like Mariah.… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Mickey and Ayaan from Kudo Banz!
Mickey and Ayaan Naqvi took on Mr Wonderful on Shark tank about their product Kudo banz! Can they help Anna out with her invention? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Dancing like the kids in Fortnite
It’s a dance that is all over social media…but can Anna pull it off as well as the kids on #fortnite do it?… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Is Raven being rude?
We’ve discovered that Raven’s new big thing is snapping his fingers to get someone’s attention…but is doing that extremely rude? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- We like the songs here at STAR
We get very excited when certain songs come on here at Star…some of us can’t help but sing along!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Raven’s finally on Instagram!
After 12 years, it’s finally happened! Raven is finally on Instagram and super excited about it. Make sure you follow him, @the_first_raven, Anna at @annazapo, and Producer Christian @christianturnquist! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Jake the K9 and Sgt. Hector Irizarry
Sgt Hector Irizarry and his K9 buddy Jake came in to talk about the Animal Nation Fundraiser that’s going on at the Fairfield Police department and how you can donate!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Is Anna being heartless?
It was a successful comedy night for Anna…but is she heartless for her reaction to how Raven acted towards her after the show? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Jersey Mike’s Day of Giving!
Next Wednesday at Jersey Mikes, it’s their Day of Giving! 100% of proceeds are going to local charities! … Continue Reading