:60 Behind The Scenes

Zap Family Face Mask Fashion Show
If we are going to wear masks, we might as well make them fashionable! Check out Anna’s “Zap Family Face Mask Fashion Show”. Which is your favorite?… Continue Reading

Zap Family Adventures! Husband and Wife Match Game
How many questions out of 10 will Anna and her husband match?! You can try it at home too! Have your kids write the questions, sit back to back, record, then watch!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: Rainbow Hunts!
Walk around your neighborhood and look for the rainbows people are putting up to spread hope and well wishes! Anna and her daughter Hayden have the Zap household prepped and ready!… Continue Reading

Crib: The Quarantine Edition with Anna Zap
Welcome to Cribs: The Quarantine Episode! Take a tour around the Zap household, everything from a gym (sorta) to the music room (kinda), you won’t want to miss a second!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes
We’re still here and we’re working hard! But there are some things we definitely miss, Anna misses her eyelash appointments and Raven wants his pedicures. What’s your first world problem?… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes
One of the major symptoms of the coronavirus is a fever, so Anna brought in an electric thermometer to check Raven’s temperature!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes
Anna & Raven want to remind everyone that Daylight Savings Time is this weekend and the clocks are going forward. This was also an amazing opportunity for a Flavor Flav impression!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes
Anna decided to make her own hand sanitizer after going to the store and finding that they were sold out. It came out great! But she didn’t think about how she’d get it into a container. Oops!… Continue Reading