:60 Behind The Scenes

Can’t Beat Raven: Tuesday June 16th
Bill has finally stopped Raven’s win streak dead in it’s tracks! He claims the $1,200 and the Jackpot resets to $100!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: Raven’s Zumba Bod!
Raven says he’s got his beach bod thanks to Anna’s Zumba classes!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: Fit Board Fun
Surfs Up! Anna & Raven get their workout on with these brand-new Fit Boards! Anna’s doing the twist and Raven’s hanging 10!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: Anna Cuts her Bangs
Scissors? Check! Comb? Check! Anna is all set! She’s cutting her own hair! She’s seen her bangs cut tons of times. She can do it and even if they get messed up, no one other than Raven and her family are going to see them!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: Bubble Wrap Adventures
No children were hurt in this filming! We want to see the creative ways you’re teaching your children! Send a video to [email protected] of your home school class and one mom wins a $500 gift card to Target. Today, Anna explored the safety of bubble wrap!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: Raven Throws it Back
After talking about ‘throwing it back’ for TikTok, Raven has decided to learn how it’s really done! Maybe don’t quit your day job though!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: What’s that Lurking behind the Studio
It’s Earth’s Day! But, Raven noticed something very peculiar outside the studio! What could it be, or better question is, what could it be keeping at bay?… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: Raven learns Zumba
Anna prepped for her Facebook live Zumba class on Wednesday by teaching Raven a couple moves! His hips might actually be lying to him.… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes: We’re Back!
Anna & Raven are officially back in studio! After broadcasting from home over the last couple of weeks, they’re here and ready to hit the ground running again. Don’t forget, you can always join the conversation at 1.800.330.9999!… Continue Reading