:60 Behind The Scenes

Anna & Raven Fan Question!

Anna & Raven Fan Question!

What celebrity (according to Raven) tried to kiss him?! If you have a question you want to ask us, feel free to reach out and ask us on any one of our Social Media accounts, and maybe your question will be the next to be asked! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Self Cleaning Nanotec?

Self Cleaning Nanotec?

We are still living through the Coronavirus and our offices have been updated with self cleaning nanotechnology…Raven gives us a little tour of it all.Continue Reading



National Relaxation Day is this weekend! So what are you doing to relax? Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Pricing At Tag Sales

Pricing At Tag Sales

Anna & Raven had a talk about Tag Sales earlier this morning and how they are making a come back. Anna thought to take a random item laying around the studio and put a price on it…Would you pay for this at that amount!? Images Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Power Problems

Power Problems

With a big storm, power outages can certainly follow! Anna & raven share the ONE item they would keep power going to if such a situation arises.Continue Reading

You Call That A Two!?

You Call That A Two!?

Anna isn’t exactly pleased with the way Raven writes out the number two. What do you think? Does it look legible and ok to you, or was Anna write to correct it?Continue Reading