:60 Behind The Scenes

But Where Did It Come From?…
Anna got a gift for her 40th birthday that know she knows said they got for her…So she is asking everyone’s else out there if they know who sent it to her. Was it you?!… Continue Reading

Ravens Big Loss
Anna is pretty excited that we finally have a winner for the “Can’t Beat Raven” jackpot. Raven…not so much. At least Raven has some music to cheer him up!… Continue Reading

It’s Almost That Time!…
It’s almost time for the Holiday’s! Anna & raven let you know what they are most excited for when this time of the year rolls around.… Continue Reading

Anna’s One Shot…
Anna wants to take a shot at the Can’t Beat Raven jackpot…with grapes. Even if she makes it, the boss won’t let her have the money. But lets see how she does anyways!… Continue Reading

Time To Redecorate!
Covid threw a wrench in our operation, as we wanted to redecorate the studio this year. Instead we get to stare at these old posters and reflect on a time where we were all a whole lot younger!… Continue Reading

What’s your opinion on taking baths? Anna & Raven let you know what they think about them!… Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

The Helium Experiment
Anna told Raven you couldn’t get the helium out of this type of balloon, so Raven had Anna put that theory to the test…was she right?!… Continue Reading

Want To Learn How To Cast A Spell?
Anna took a trip to Salem recently and met a real witch! She learned a lot from her about potions, the origins of witches and even how to cast certain spells. Now, armed with that knowledge, Anna wants to teach you how to cast a spell!… Continue Reading

Every Adult Should Know How To Use This…
We discussed a list of the top ten things every adult should know how to use and a fire extinguisher was on that list! Can you take a wild guess who out of Anna & raven doesn’t know how to use one?… Continue Reading

Anna’s Tenth Year In Radio!
Today marks the tenth year our very own Anna Zap has been involved in radio! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication Anna! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading