:60 Behind The Scenes

What Was Your Favorite Present?
Anna & Raven share their favorite gifts they received over the Holiday! What was yours? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

It’s Present Time!
It’s present day here in the studio and Anna got Raven a fancy new hat! Only issue is, the feather that goes with it didn’t get mailed in time. How does Raven look?… Continue Reading

One More Day…
Tomorrow is the last day for “Can’t Beat Raven” until January 4th. Will someone win the $1,300 or will the jackpot carry over into the new year?!… Continue Reading

ROBIN Thicke?!
Singer, songwriter and ACTOR?! Since when? 🤣 Sometimes Raven makes mistakes! Play #cantbeatraven tomorrow morning for a shot at $1,200 and cross your fingers that he slips up like this again!… Continue Reading

Is This How You Wrap A Gift?!
Whether it’s for a display or not, Raven isn’t thrilled with Anna’s wrapping job or bow placement…How do you wrap presents?… Continue Reading

Was It Worth It?
Anna bought herself a vintage sweater and is currently second guessing her buy. What do you think?… Continue Reading

So Many Chips!
Thank you to Zapp’s Potato Chips for generously sending us some delicious potato chips! Disclaimer: Anna Zap and her family does not own the company! 🤣… Continue Reading

Tree Decorating Hack!
Anna has a tree decorating hack for you! Have you been decorating your tree differently every year? Turns out this is the best way to do it! 🎄… Continue Reading

Break it Down
Say “Goodbye” to radio and “hello” to break dancing! Do Anna & Raven have what it takes to be the Olympic Gold Medal winning Break Dance Team for the USA?!… Continue Reading

Cleansing 2020!
With the help of some tools from a shaman, Anna & Raven try to cleanse 2020 and all the negative things that can with it.… Continue Reading