:60 Behind The Scenes

How Comfortable Could Cardboard Beds Really Be?…
Athletes performing in the Olympics will be sleeping on sustainable and recyclable cardboard beds. How comfortable can sleeping on cardboard really be!? Let’s find out! 🤣😴… Continue Reading

The Greatest Gift From Dad…
You’ll never believe what this man bought for his 18-year-old son. We could only imagine how much it cost him! Anna & Raven share the greatest gifts given to them by their fathers that they will never forget!… Continue Reading

Singing Helps You Overcome Social Anxiety…Does It Work?
Singing in public forces you to confront your specific fear, like others judging you, public humiliation, etc. Will Anna be able to find someone to sing to someone in the office to overcome social anxiety?… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Would You Rather!
Being stuck in an elevator is no fun, but having to choose which of these two you would have to be stuck with just makes the thought of it worse! Which would you choose though, and why!?… Continue Reading

Karma Has Come For Producer Sean…
Producer Sean was kicked out of camp as a kid for doing something really mean! Anna & Raven thought it best to teach him a lesson by doing to him what he did as a kid 🤣🤣… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Fortune Cookie Friday: Fourth Of July Edition!
Anna’s fortune today goes perfectly with the holiday weekend coming up! What are some of your best (or worst) fortunes you’ve gotten from a fortune cookie?… Continue Reading

How Raven Comforts His Dogs…
With The Fourth of July right around the corner, you can expect a lot of fireworks. How does Raven comfort his dogs during this stressful time? He gives us an inside look!… Continue Reading

Anna Doesn’t Have A Favorite WHAT!?
Raven can’t believe Anna does have a favorite one of these! How could you NOT have a favorite!?… Continue Reading

AC Still Broke! Time To Embrace It And Dance!
Its day two with no air conditioning and Producer Sean is still wearing tank tops. Instead of complaining about either, we decided to embrace it! Hit the music! 🤣… Continue Reading

Is This Appropriate Work Attire?
Our boss said we can come in to work dressed comfortably because the AC units had broken down. Producer Sean came in dressed like THIS, and we want to know if you think its appropriate work attire.… Continue Reading