:60 Behind The Scenes

Can Anna & Raven Guess The Candle!?
Candles have some real farfetched names for what the smell is. Can Anna & Raven guess the name of the candle based off the scent? And are the names they give better than what the candle is called? You decide!… Continue Reading

Anna’s “Lawyer Outfit”
Producer Sean couldn’t stop making fun of Anna’s outfit today. What do you think of it? ๐… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Runway
The harness accessory is the latest fashion trend! Why not show it off with a little fashion show? ๐… Continue Reading

The Great Stall Debate
It’s such a weird question, but do you have a stall you favor when you use a public bathroom? Raven has some surprising facts about the stall you consider the best to use!… Continue Reading

That’s All I Need To Know About You!
Every day you see someone do or say something that makes you think, “That’s all I need to know about you!” That’s exactly what Raven said to himself when someone did THIS in our office…… Continue Reading

Anna Is Watching “The Godfather”!
Anna said she has never seen “The Godfather”, so we tasked her to watch the entire film! How is it going so far? What does she think of it?… Continue Reading

Who Has The Better Nicholson Impersonation?
Producer Sean told us a story about how he once met Jack Nicholson, and he did a spot-on impersonation of him! But who has the better Nicholson impersonation?…… Continue Reading

The Pillow Fight
There is actually a Pillow Fighting League now! What better way to celebrate it than pin our producers against one another in a pillow fight!?… Continue Reading

That Dumb Human Trick You Do
We were talking about dumb human tricks today, and Producer Sean’s really takes the cake. ๐… Continue Reading

The Most Important Question…
Monday is President’s Day, and we have only one question that is probably the most important question you could ask in relation to the holiday…… Continue Reading