:60 Behind The Scenes

The Party Patch
Trying the “Party Patch” which is supposed to prevent hangovers. We bought on Amazon, did they work?! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Th Party Patch
We have a new product that we plan on testing out over the weekend! Do you think it’ll work?… Continue Reading

The Coffee Thief
Anna & Raven received a companywide email, and you won’t believe why! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

A Helluva Story You Have To Hear!
Do you have a Helluva story? It’s your turn to be the storyteller! Visit www.annaandraven.com and click “Helluva Story” to share your with us.… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Were Asked To read To Kids..
We were asked to read some books to children and are looking for some different options…… Continue Reading

Happy national DJ Day!
It’s National DJ Day (Yes, it’s a real thing) and we are beyond happy to celebrate it! What’s the best part about being a DJ though? Anna & Raven elaborate.… Continue Reading

Chris & Landon Beat Raven For $2,700!
We have our first winner(s) of 2023! Chris and his son Landon beat Raven 5 to 3 in Can’t Beat Raven and won the $2,700 jackpot! Congratulations to the both of you. That means the jackpot goes back to $100. Who will be our next big winner!?… Continue Reading

Raven The Monk
The key to meditation is all about the positioning! Can you still sit crisscross applesauce? You’ll be surprised at who can!… Continue Reading

Raven VS Producer Sean
A coach was suspended after making his students do 400 pushups! Are Raven or Producer Sean capable of even making it to 100?!… Continue Reading

Anna’s Famous Painting
This painting has been floating around the office for the longest time! Now, you have a chance to own a Zap painting..… Continue Reading