:60 Behind The Scenes

Law & Order: Anna & Producer Sean Unit
33% of people believe they could land a passenger plane without any experience. What do you think you could do without any experience? Both Anna and Producer Sean believe they would make good detectives. What do you think?… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Weekend Wrap Up!
Weekend Wrap Up! What did you do this weekend?!… Continue Reading

Ask Anna & Raven Anything!
We got another question from a listener. Have a question for Anna & Raven? Ask on our Facebook page (Anna & Raven | Facebook), and your question could be answered next!… Continue Reading

Paying For A Babysitter!?
Anna’s friend was asked a question on a dating app, and she can’t believe it’s even a thing! What do you think about it?… Continue Reading

Race Walking: An Olympic Sport
Race Walking is making its way to the Olympics next year, so we wanted to prepare for the new sport by having a “friendly” competition.Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Weekend Wrap Up!
Weekend Wrap Up! Here’s what happened over the weekend, what did you do?!… Continue Reading

A New Sleep Aid?
Does this cereal that’s supposed to help you sleep actually work?!… Continue Reading

Does The Band-Aid Hack Work?
Will using oil on a band-aid take the pain away when ripping it off? We have Producer Sean as a guinea pig to see if this hack actually works.… Continue Reading

How To Properly Fold A Flag
In our quest to find out how to properly dispose of a flag, we also discovered how to correctly fold one!… Continue Reading

The Mystery Tape
Anna found a tape hidden deep in her basement, and it’s left her with more questions than answers. How did it get there? Who left it behind? What’s on it? One thing is certain, we are going to get to the bottom of this mystery!… Continue Reading