:60 Behind The Scenes

60 Behind the Scenes- How many triangles are there?
We go over a viral math challenge that’s making its way around Twitter… how many triangles do you see? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes-Producer Christian’s now a cheerleader!
It’s Friday, so please enjoy Producer Christian performing “The Anna & Raven Show Cheer” with the Fairfield University Stag Cheerleaders! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Free Sample Cold Brew Coffee Day at Dunkin!
Anna & Raven are extremely excited because tomorrow is Cold Brew Sampling Day at Dunkin’ Donuts from 10am-2pm, you’ll get free samples of Cold Brew Coffee at participating Dunkin’ Donuts locations! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Cheri from Beacon Falls wins again!
Cheri from Beacon Falls had previously beaten Raven in “You Can’t Beat Raven” and since it’s Champions week, she came back to face… and BEAT him again. He’s not frustrated at all. He swears. … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind The Scenes- Snow Sadness
It’s not a cruel April Fools joke… there’s snow outside, and Anna & Raven are crushed. This isn’t supposed to happen! Not on April 2d! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- What do students learn while shadowing Anna and Raven?
Gabriella from Bethel came in to shadow Anna and Raven today and she learned three important things today. What are those three life lessons that she will carry with her for the rest of her life? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Raven’s eye… has not improved.
Raven went to the doctor and they gave him magic eye drops. His eye, while the doctor says it’s getting better, looks much, much, much worse. At least he doesn’t have spiders in his eye. … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- What’s going on with Raven’s eye?
Anna is convinced spiders laid eggs in Raven’s eye, that’s why it’s all puffy and swollen this morning! The audience said it could happen… hopefully that’s not the case! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Raven is a connoisseur of cheese!
Blue cheese from Arthusa Farms in Bantam Connecticut won the distinct honor of being labeled the best cheese in the world, according to 55 judges! Can Raven tell the difference between the world famous cheese, and the knock off Anna bought for 2 dollars? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Kids and R Rated movies!
What are your rules for letting your kids watch R rated movies? Do you remember the first R rated movie you ever saw? We want to know. We’re going to discuss at 8:25 tomorrow morning! … Continue Reading