:60 Behind The Scenes

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Dance Like a Chicken Day
It’s National Dance Like a Chicken Day, and Anna doesn’t understand why people hate it! The Italian people invented the Chicken Dance… so now it’s time to DANCE! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Melody from Ansonia gets free coffee!
Ansonia was Anna and Raven’s Star of the State all this week, and Producer Christian was at the Dunkin Donuts in Ansonia all morning, buying people coffee for anyone who came up to him and said “Buy me a coffee!” One of them was Melody from Ansonia, who drove a LONG way to get here!…… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Making slime with Maddie Rae!
Maddie Rae stopped by to teach Anna and Raven how to make slime! She’ll be at Mohegan Sun October 27th- 28th for Slime Bash 2018! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Adam Broderick Salon and Spa brings gifts!
Our friends from Adam Broderick Salon and Spa came in to talk about their Mother’s Day Spa package that they have right now, and they also brought gifts for both Anna and Raven!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Who owns the Washington Post?
Raven was called out by our boss yesterday in a meeting for saying the Washington Post was owned by the National Enquirer! But… does anyone know who owns the Washington Post? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Starting off Monday on a good foot
You always want to start your Monday’s off on a good foot. In this case, four feet! Meg’s dog was being watched by Producer Christian, so we had to intervene! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- It’s May the 4th!
Since it’s May the 4th, Anna and Raven checked in with Production Guy Ed’s action figures to see how they feel about the 4th, and how they really feel about being trapped in cases! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Producer Christian’s 22d birthday!
It’s Producer Christian’s 22d birthday! We want to know- is his birthday everything he hoped and dreamed it would be? … Continue Reading