:60 Behind The Scenes

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Dr. Kevin D’Andrea
The dentist behind the viral video of the #InMyFeelings challenge, Dr. Kevin D’Andrea stopped by the studio to break down the video and how his regular job as a dentist has been affected since it went viral! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- What is in Producer Christian’s studio?
We don’t often come in Producer Christian’s studio very often, but when we do, we find some very interesting things. Why does he have this in the studio with him!? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Double Up Dance Studio
We tried to take part of the #InMyFeelingsChallenge as part of National Dance Day with Double Up Dance Studio…how do you think we did? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Mayor Rich Dziekan from Derby!
This week’s STAR of the State is Derby and Anna, Raven, and Mayor Rich Dziekan wonder exactly why Derby is the Electronic Valley…we may not know why it says that… but we know how to DANCE! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds behind the Scenes- Mary Brewster from American Flora!
Mary Brewster owns American Flora, a designer bag company based out of Westport, that uses recyclable material to make designer handbags! She came in to talk about the process and how she’s going down to Puerto Rico to help victims of the hurricanes! You can find out more at her website at AmericanFlora.com… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Debra Greenwood from The Center for Family Justice
Debra Greenwood came in with Anna to talk about the upcoming Speaking of Women event being held at the Waterview in Monroe, and what some of the ways The Center for Family Justice helps out anyone who’s being abused. … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Easton First Selectman Adam Dunsby!
First Selectman of Easton Adam Dunsby came in with Anna & Raven today to talk about all the great things that are going in Easton, including the Fireman’s Carnival going on at the end of the month! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Anna wants a salad ASAP
Anna only wants one thing… just one thing. A salad. Just, one simple salad. Can Raven come through and get her what she needs? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Can Christian handle Can’t Beat Raven?
Anna’s headed to the Bahamas for a few days, and that means Producer Christian is in charge of trying to stump Raven in Can’t Beat Raven? Will his questions hold up or will Raven continue his domination? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Top 10 days of the year!
Scot Haney from WFSB – Channel 3 Eyewitness News said that today was one of the best days of the year… it’s just that, we’re inside… while everyone else is outside! … Continue Reading