Tuesday, March 25, 2025: Worst Places to Propose; Excuses to Stay Home; Speaking to Your Alexa!

Tuesday, March 25, 2025: Worst Places to Propose; Excuses to Stay Home; Speaking to Your Alexa!

There is a college girl who was arrested twice in the last two weeks and is going viral for her mugshot! Find out why she is going viral!

There are two trending proposals that are on the internet this week! Anna and Raven talk about the worst places to be proposed to! 

Anna, Raven, Producer Julie, and Producer Justin share what they put on their gravestone! Raven’s is very extravagant!

Over 90% of people didn’t go to weekend parties! Anna and Raven run through the most popular excuses to avoid leaving the house! Find out which one they use!

Anna and Raven talk about their Alexas but anna speaks to hers with a level of respect! You will be shocked by why she is enforcing using “please” and “thank you” when speaking to Alexa.

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including how the DNA testing company 23 And Me has a privacy issue!

March Madness is in full swing, and Anna and Raven made their own game: The Struggle is Realness! Today they compare what is more of a struggle, your phone battery dying or stepping in something walk with your socks on!

Up to 10% of people are hypochondriacs. Anna, Raven, Producer Julie, and Producer Justin go around the room and share what is hurting them to see who the hypochondriac is!

Monica and Jonathan have a daughter turning 14. All she wants for her birthday is tickets to see Olivia Rodrigo with a friend. She saw the tickets were over $600 resale, but Monica thinks it’s worth it for the daughter. Two tickets, for $1200. Jonathan thinks she is crazy. It is so much money, and they are so young; an adult should be going with them to supervise. He doesn’t think Monica is being smart here. What do you think?

Riley and Natalie have a chance to win $900! All they has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!