A Sleep Hack

A Sleep Hack

We were told drinking lettuce water can help you fall asleep quickly, but does it actually work? We put it to the test!Image Source: Getty Images

Celebrating Leap Day Birthdays

Celebrating Leap Day Birthdays

It’s Leap Day! But if you have a Leap Day birthday, is it a blessing or a curse? All day today, people that were celebrating their Leap Day birthday and their thoughts. Check out the podcast!

Thursday February 29, 2024: Leap Day; Sleep Hacks; Raven Picks ‘Em

Thursday February 29, 2024: Leap Day; Sleep Hacks; Raven Picks ‘Em

It’s Leap Day! Is it a holiday? Is it just a regular day? It’s kind of in-between and Anna went back in history to find out why… Do you have a fool proof way of falling asleep? Anna found an unconventional but effective method, so she had the whole show try it out! Wearing glasses…

THE FEED: Getting Your Home Ready For New Additions To The Family

THE FEED: Getting Your Home Ready For New Additions To The Family

Every Wednesday, Kevin and Jenna talk to a local expert about the things that make our lives easier, from home improvement to DIY to parenting. Today we’re talking to Home Expert Susie Calabrese about tips for welcoming new additions into your home. Since Jenna will soon be a Mom and is home preparing to welcome…

Is Producer Sean Out of Line?

Is Producer Sean Out of Line?

Producer Sean refused to let his girlfriend Raechel take care of their 9-month-old baby when she got a cold because he feared that the baby would get sick too. But he wouldn’t let her ANYWHERE NEAR HIM for a week! Was he out of line?! Find out in the podcast.

Pamela Beat Raven and Wins $1,400!

Pamela Beat Raven and Wins $1,400!

Congratulations to Pamela! She beat Raven during Can’t Beat Raven and earned herself the $1,400 jackpot. Check out her win, and Raven’s downfall!Image Source: Getty Images

THE FEED: How To Conquer Stamford Restaurant Week

THE FEED: How To Conquer Stamford Restaurant Week

Each Tuesday, Kevin and Jenna talk about all things food in Connecticut with Alex from CT Food Girly. Today Alex helps us celebrate Stamford Restaurant Week with some of her favorite Stamford places including a few EPIC desserts. $20 LUNCH / $40 DINNER The Americano, which is located in the heart of downtownStamford, offering elevated…

What Is Cushing Syndrome?

What Is Cushing Syndrome?

Amy Schumer has Cushing Syndrome, what is it and why was it diagnosed based on her appearance? Dr. Wider explains in the podcast.