THE FEED: A New Rule for Connecticut High School Coaches

THE FEED: A New Rule for Connecticut High School Coaches

Mondays on The Feed we chat with The Ump Vin Sarullo about sports in CT and beyond. Vin’s got the details about a big change coming to the NFL that might ruin your holiday plans. He also tells us about a new rule that will affect coaches during the high school off-season!  image credit: Getty…

The Return of Can’t Beat Raven

The Return of Can’t Beat Raven

The jackpot for Can’t Beat Raven is up to $4,000 for Tuesday!! Sign up to play at Good luck!

To The Face!

To The Face!

Getting hit in the face is the worst, it’s always unexpected and terrible. Producer Jon took a direct hit, and Anna blames her husband for almost losing her sight this weekend. Get the whole stories in the podcast and when was the last time you got hit in the face?

THE FEED: Ice Cream, Car Shows, and Barnyard Residents!

THE FEED: Ice Cream, Car Shows, and Barnyard Residents!

Every Friday in The Feed Kevin and Jenna talk to Megan Schinella  who is always tapped in to the fun things to do in Connecticut with the family. Check out Megan’s picks for this weekend below and find Megan on Instagram: @meganschinella 1. Greek Festival in Stamford this weekend Saturday 12pm 11pm Sunday 12pm-8pm rides…

Kevin and Jenna: Farewell, Intern Ethan!

Kevin and Jenna: Farewell, Intern Ethan!

Today, we celebrated Intern Ethan’s last day with the show. He jumped on the mic to tell us all about his epic prom night, his plans for summer and beyond, and everything he learned during his time here at Star.  Thanks, Ethan, for all your hard work and for being an awesome part of the…

Annoying Board Games

Annoying Board Games

Anna probably will not be playing mouse trap again with her kids any time soon😂What do think is the most annoying board game?

Chef Plum’s Secret Talent

Chef Plum’s Secret Talent

Chef Plum has a secret cooking talent, he can take any three random ingredients that you have in your fridge or pantry and turn it into something delicious. What did he transform today? Find out in the podcast!

Friday May 31st, 2024: Three Ingredient Meals; Prom; What Shouldn’t Be Three Hours;

Friday May 31st, 2024: Three Ingredient Meals; Prom; What Shouldn’t Be Three Hours;

What may contain the most bacteria in your kitchen? Dr. Jennifer Wider has the answers! Chef Plum has this hidden talent where he can take three random ingredients and make something delicious out of them. What three ingredients do you think he should use? Anna isn’t happy about the announcement that Costco has partnered with…

Kevin and Jenna: Kevin and The Bee

Kevin and Jenna: Kevin and The Bee

In honor of the Scripps National Spelling Bee Finals, Kevin attempts to spell out some of Connecticut’s most hard-to-spell words. Should he get an “A” for effort?

THE FEED: Hugging Trees and Other Ways to Improve Mental Health

THE FEED: Hugging Trees and Other Ways to Improve Mental Health

Every Thursday on The Feed we chat with Registered Dietician Nutritionist Yanissa Marte about all things health and wellness! Did you know that connecting with nature can impact on our mental health? Take a moment to hug a tree while you listen to today’s episode as we navigate Mental Health Awareness! image credit: Getty Images