Anna & Raven’s Dumb Arguments

Anna & Raven’s Dumb Arguments

You have at least six dumb arguments with your family and family over the weekend. Who on the show had the dumbest this week? Decide in the podcast.

THE FEED: Connecticut Sports Spotlight

THE FEED: Connecticut Sports Spotlight

Mondays on The Feed Kevin and Jenna chat with the Ump Vin Sarullo about all things Connecticut sports!  With college and high school sports winding down, we’re shining a spotlight on some of the state’s standout coaches, including a cherished figure from Bridgeport. Plus, Vin gives us the scoop on what’s coming up in baseball,…

Monday June 24, 2024: Flightmare; 1st Day Of Camp; Dumb Arguments

Monday June 24, 2024: Flightmare; 1st Day Of Camp; Dumb Arguments

The right to protest is an important part of a free society, but after reading a story about protesters defacing one of the wonders of the world, she had to wonder what the point was! Did you have a dumb argument this weekend?  Anna and her daughter got into an argument about who has to…

THE FEED: Summer Fun with the Family in Connecticut

THE FEED: Summer Fun with the Family in Connecticut

Fridays on The Feed, Kevin and Jenna chat with Megan Schinella about all the fun things to do in Connecticut with the family. You can find Megan on Instagram: @meganschinella. We usually focus on weekend fun, but today Megan is sharing all the great events we should check out this summer! Get ready to bounce…

Female Founders: Deanna Colon

Female Founders: Deanna Colon

Highlighting women who have turned their entrepreneurial dreams into a reality. Deanna Colon has seemingly done it all! If you don’t recognize her name, don’t worry, you’ll recognize her voice. Hear her story and her advice for other women in the podcast.

Friday June 21, 2024: Beach Prep; Food In Motion; The Anxious Generation

Friday June 21, 2024: Beach Prep; Food In Motion; The Anxious Generation

Have you ever gone into debt and been perfectly happy with your decision? Anna was shocked at the number of families that are happy to go into thousands of dollars in debt for the sake of a vacation! If a fire broke out in your house after a night of drinking, who would you want…

Kevin and Jenna: Hot or Not

Kevin and Jenna: Hot or Not

Kevin and Jenna discuss some of the popular ways to keep cool during a heatwave and share if they’re “hot” on the idea, or “not” into it.

THE FEED: Sunshine Vibes and Hydration Tips

THE FEED: Sunshine Vibes and Hydration Tips

Thursdays on The Feed, Kevin and Jenna chat with Registered Dietician Nutritionist Yanissa Marte about all things wellness. You can find Yanissa on Instagram: @yanissamarterd. This week, we’re embracing the longer summer days, guessing calories in popular drinks, and sharing simple tips to keep you hydrated and healthy. From fun hydration games for kids to…

Jill Beats Raven for $5,200!

Jill Beats Raven for $5,200!

Congratulations to Jill! She beat Raven today and earned herself the $5,200 jackpot! That means the jackpot resets to $100 tomorrow!