Did you marry someone out of your league? Marry up? Experts have put a fancy name on it, hypergamy. What made you better than your partner?! Or, what made your partner the better catch? Check out the podcast.

Did you marry someone out of your league? Marry up? Experts have put a fancy name on it, hypergamy. What made you better than your partner?! Or, what made your partner the better catch? Check out the podcast.
Did you have a dumb argument this weekend? Producer Sean had a heated conversation about Cher during a long car ride! Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the historic news from the White House! Are you in a…
Roll an Oreo and cross your fingers that it lands in something tasty and not something that should never be paired with an Oreo!
While visiting Italy, Anna and her daughter attended a Taylor Swift concert, and the way Italians do concerts is a lot different than Americans! The biggest differences are in the podcast… and do we miss the wave?!📸Getty Images
Netflix is about to enter the physical world! Anna and Raven examine the neo-retro plans and what they mean for subscribers. Producer Sean got pulled over for an unusual reason while on vacation, and reflects on different customs in different regions. A global computer glitch has slowed down software for everyone! Anna and Raven have…
How many bottles can the guys on the show knock over with ping pong balls?
Anna is back from her vacation to Italy, but she noticed some major differences between their culture and American culture. What are they and can you add to her list? Find out in the podcast.📸Getty Images
Who do you know that is a bad influence on your life, or could it actually be you? Anna and Raven examine the different levels of “bad”. Some phrases directed toward servers in restaurants can come across as rude or condescending. Anna and Raven discuss what to say (or not say) while dining out. After…
The studio taste tests the viral Fluffy Coke! It’s marshmallow fluff in a cup with Coca-Cola. Definitely a fun trend to try, but the drink seems to be better on its own.
As a pet parent, you would go above and beyond to give your pet anything you can. Raven believes his dog would like cars to be lower to the ground, making it easier for him to get in and out of the car. What does your pet want? Find out all your pets needs in…