8:36am. That’s the time of the day that a study says you know whether you’ll have a bad day or not. There’s also the top five things that happen that will trigger “the bad day”. Get it all in the podcast, but what can happen that you know you’ll have a bad day? 📸Getty Images

VERY Demure

VERY Demure

Anna & Raven are VERY demure✨✨

THE FEED: Play Based Learning with Tia Simone

THE FEED: Play Based Learning with Tia Simone

In this episode, we’re joined by local teacher Tia Simone to talk about Connecticut’s new play-based learning law. Tia shares what this means for teachers and students, how it’s being used in classrooms, and the impact it’s having. We explore how play is being used to enhance learning.  image credit: Getty Images

Anna’s “Stolen” Coin Collection

Anna’s “Stolen” Coin Collection

Anna’s father has been collecting coins since he was a teenager. Curious about their worth, Anna “stole” a few to find out just what they could bring in. Find out what they’re worth in the podcast.📸Getty Images

Fall Fashion

Fall Fashion

What are paper bag boots and why are they the “it” trend for the Fall? Get all the upcoming fashion trends with Stylist Lauren Perez from the Laurine Group in the podcast!📸Getty Images

Monday August 26, 2024:  Engagement lengths; School lunches; Best & worst of Summer

Is it better to have a long wedding engagement or a short one?  Does it have an effect on the marriage?  Anna & Raven hear from all sides! Stylist Lauren Perez joins Anna & Raven to talk about the upcoming fashion trends for the fall season, covering colors, cuts and influences! The Farmer’s Almanac states…

Fired Friday!

Fired Friday!

Fired Friday is back! You explain what went terribly wrong at your job, then everyone guesses whether you got fired. Play along on the podcast!

Kevin and Jenna: Bluefish Tournament Chat with Jenny Shea Rawn

Kevin and Jenna: Bluefish Tournament Chat with Jenny Shea Rawn

With the annual Star 99.9 Surfside Hotel Greatest Bluefish Tournament on Earth just around the corner, we’re chatting with Jenny Shea Rawn, a registered dietician and seafood lover, about her favorite bluefish recipes and tips for preparing your catch. Jenny also shares her insights on what makes bluefish such a unique and flavorful option for…