Thursday July 18, 2024: The Sweet Life of Pets; Summer Bests & Worsts; Culture Shock

Thursday July 18, 2024: The Sweet Life of Pets; Summer Bests & Worsts; Culture Shock

Who do you know that is a bad influence on your life, or could it actually be you?  Anna and Raven examine the different levels of “bad”.

Some phrases directed toward servers in restaurants can come across as rude or condescending.  Anna and Raven discuss what to say (or not say) while dining out.

After returning from her Italian vacation, Anna unpacks her anxiety and stress over multiple luggage issues!

What’s the most extra thing you do for your pet? Raven regularly cleans his canine’s canines, and that isn’t even the most pampering thing!

How can you tell if your event is going to be casual or formal?  Wedding etiquette expert Karen Thomas shares the latest trends and social cues for invitations and save-the-dates.

Katy Perry is facing indifference upon release of her new single.  Anna and Raven try to get to the bottom of the possible reason why!

Fun in the sun for some, an endless stream of dog days for others.  What are the best parts and worst parts of the summer months?

Anna experienced a bit of culture shock on her vacation, and shares her top five differences between lifestyles in Italy vs the U.S.

A fireball was recently spotted over New York City, and Anna and Raven talk about the strangest things they’ve seen in the sky!

Is it ever ok to leave your spouse at a party?  Sam left Vicki at a BBQ without saying goodbye!  She’s shaken over the situation, but he says he had a completely valid reason and she had plenty of warning!  What do you think?

Ashley has got a shot at $1600! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!