Friday June 14, 2024: Dad DIY; Dad Cliché Composition; Father’s Day Gifts

Friday June 14, 2024: Dad DIY; Dad Cliché Composition; Father’s Day Gifts

What are your Father’s Day plans? Poor Producer Jon just wants someone to buy him some pancakes!

Does your dad always try to do everything himself? Anna’s husband was determined to fix a small section of their fence and it took him over a year!

What’s the ultimate Father’s Day meal to grill this Sunday? Chef Plum from the Food Network has some ideas…

What did you get dad for Father’s Day last year? Do you think he remembers? Because most of the people in Anna and Raven’s office don’t!

What does your kid always lose at school? Anna went to the lost and found this year and tracked down some amazing things!

What’s your favorite dad cliché? Anna is compiling a list and Producer Jon is gonna write them all into a song!

It’s time for Mommy’s Margarita Friday!  Moms (and Dads) share all the crazy things that their kids have put them through this week that have definitely earned them a margarita!

Dads give the best advice, but Anna wants to figure out which of the guys on the show has the best Dad advice. So she came up with a game for Raven, Producer Jon and Producer Sean…

Lina recently finished her master’s degree in communications and is looking for a full-time position, but she was offered an unpaid position at an online news company and she wants to take it so that she can gain some experience and build her resume. Her boyfriend has been supporting them and by paying for rent for the last two years and he thinks it’s a terrible idea. She’s done now with her degree, she needs a real job, with real money, that pays real bills, with real benefits. She says she’ll never get her foot in the door at these big companies if she doesn’t get the experience.

Amy has got a shot at $4800! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!