Wednesday February 7, 2024: Pet Parent Pet Peeve; Magic Crystals; Arch Nemesis

Wednesday February 7, 2024: Pet Parent Pet Peeve; Magic Crystals; Arch Nemesis

Flipping someone off while in the car is now considered old and outdated, but what do you do now when you are feeling a little road rage?

Treadmills are out and Walking Pads are in! Hot Girl Anthropologist Hannah Brown explains..

If you throw this kind of Super Bowl party, that’s all I need to know about you!

The beef between Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears is seemingly never ending. Some would call them arch nemeses. Who is your arch nemesis?

New technology can be cool, but is it always useful? Anna went to check out a cutting-edge piece of technology and she’s not 100% sold on it’s practicality…

Do you have bad energy that you need to dispel? Producer Sean’s neighbor suggested a wild method for getting rid of bad energy and Anna wants to try it out!

Do you have a pet owner pet peeve? Anna is a dog person, but there are some things that her fellow pet owners do that drive her crazy!

Christian and Tamara are going to stay with Tamara’s parents for four days to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Christian says his mother-in-law cooks very unhealthy, she fries everything, lots of carbs, and eats very clean, and is gluten free. He is planning on packing his own food. Tamara says that it’s embarrassing that her husband would consider bringing ziplock bags and Tupperware to her parents home. He says it’s no big deal, he’s a picky eater! What do you think?

It’s Tied For Five Week on Can’t Beat Raven! All the contestants that have tied Raven 5 to 5 have a shot at redemption! Today, Vinny competes for $100!