THE FEED: Wildlife Day, Live Music, and Fun on the Farm

School european girl and woman feeding fluffy furry alpacas lama. Happy excited child and mother feeds guanaco in a wildlife park. Family leisure and activity for vacations or weekend.

THE FEED: Wildlife Day, Live Music, and Fun on the Farm

Every Friday in The Feed Kevin and Jenna talk to Megan from about all the great things to do in Connecticut with the family. Check out Megan’s picks for this weekend:

1. Music on Church Lane in Downtown Westport, Summer Music Saturday September 2 at 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm dose of rock, folk, jazz, and blues.

2. All weekend long, Lachat Town Farm in Weston will be offering free events to celebrate their Education Center opening, huge milestone for the community. A family fun-filled day of blacksmithing demonstrations, book reading, hayrides, pony rides, and so much more on Sunday Sept 3rd 9am.

3. St. Leo’s Fair in Stamford September 2, 2023

Saturday 2:00 – 11:00pm food, rides, games, and more.

4. National Wildlife Day at CT’S Beardsley Zoo Monday Sept 4th. This National Day is an opportunity to learn more about endangered species, preservation, and conservation efforts around the world.

5. Bruce Museum in Greenwich has their Family Gallery Tours Sunday September 3 at 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. Tour the museum’s exhibitions. Families will be able to engage in conversations about the arts, sciences, and do hands-on activities. Tour is free with admission to the Museum.

Mom quote: “When anyone asks me how the first week of back to school went. I’m alive.”

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