Have you heard of “shrink-flation”? If you haven’t, prepared to be absolutely outraged! (:30)
Anna and Raven have become huge fans of American Song Contest and have decided to create their own version of the game! Today, they get a local musician to write a song about Guam! (2:12)
Will Smith has posted an apology for his behavior at the Oscars, but Anna isn’t buying it for one very specific reason… (6:00)
Basketball may not be your thing, but everyone is always excited about the latest trends! Anna and Raven present March Fadness, the ultimate tournament to determine the greatest fad of all time! Today’s first match-up is between; The Macarena vs. Cabbage Patch Kids! (9:53)
What’s the craziest surgery you’ve ever had? Is it wackier than Raven’s most recent sinus surgery? (16:28)
Basketball may not be your thing, but everyone is always excited about the latest trends! Anna and Raven present March Fadness, the ultimate tournament to determine the greatest fad of all time! Today’s second match-up is between; Tae-Bo and Crocs! (26:54)
Terry has warned her husband, Lance, to put away his things for years. She claims he is a HUGE slob and leave clothes, work items, shoes, hair products, all over the house. She started throwing away all the things that were left in the wrong place. Lance is furious, he’s not a child, he’s an adult and she must accept his messiness! Whose side are you on? (33:45)
Michelle has got a shot at $4000! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia! (41:16)