It’s the story that everyone will be talking about today, but the question is; was it even real? (:30)
What time do you get up in the morning? A new study shows that there is a correct time of day to get up if you want to be successful! (4:30)
The Chris Rock/Will Smith scandal is all over the news, but at least one positive thing came out of it! A nice wholesome life lesson from none other than Denzel Washington. (11:16)
Every news story these days has people on both sides of the debate and the Oscar’s scandal is no exception. Anna and Raven decided to ask the callers; who was at fault in the Chris Rock/Will Smith situation? (14:55)
The jury is still out on who was to blame for all the drama at last night’s Oscar’s, but the debate made Anna curious. Would it have been as big a deal if it had been Jada who had hit Chris Rock? (26:02)
Kevin and Andrea have a teenage daughter. She was recently humiliated when her friends pointed out that Kevin (her dad) was following sexy models on TikTok. Kevin was unaware that anyone could see who he was following but is unphased. He’s an adult, he can follow whoever he wants. Andrea says not only is it embarrassing to their daughter, but it’s also embarrassing to her! She wants him to delete his account all together. He clearly doesn’t understand how social media works. He refuses. What do you think? (37:04)
Emelda has a shot at $3900! Can she beat Raven in pop culture trivia and claim the prize or will the jackpot rise to new record highs? (45:40)