It’s National Pie Day! What is America’s favorite pie, and do you think it’s accurate? (0:15)
The pandemic has given everyone all the reason to start a new hobby to kill some time, but what are the worst hobbies you can have? (2:26)
If you retire than do THIS no more than two months later, that is all I need to know about you! (5:47)
Anna heard a mother tell her child something while at a kid’s birthday party, and it only reminded her of all the typical parental phrases her parents would tell her growing up. What were the phrases your parents always told you growing up? (9:21)
Miss out or too busy to keep up with what was trending over the weekend? We got you covered with everything in case you missed it! (20:33)
The increasing gas prices have got us all going a little crazy, so to help, we want to fill your tank! All this week, play “Heads Up” for a chance to let us fill your gas tank. (23:48)
Couples Court: Diana’s parents just informed her that they are moving across the country to their town to be closer to them and their children. Her husband, Jeremy, is not excited about it. He thinks they’re overbearing and too nosey. He would like her to have a conversation with them about boundaries, but Diana thinks that’s obnoxious. What would you do? (25:53)
Does Kathleen have what it takes to beat Raven this morning, or will the jackpot continue to rise? How many of these questions would you have gotten right today!? (32:16)
Do you have to hide anything from everyone in your house? Bigger question is, where is your secret hiding spot? (35:22)