A lot of people take graduating from high school for granted. It’s always good to remember how important that diploma is even if it takes you decades to finally get it.
This 98-year-old World War Two vet from Texas named Donald Huisenga just got his high school diploma 80 years after he was supposed to graduate.
Donald was drafted to the war in 1943 as a high school senior. This caused him to miss graduation as he instead parachuted into Normandy fighting day. He fought for our country until he got blown back 30 feet and wounded. He spent time as a prisoner of war before finally making it home safe and alive.
He has overcome so much in his life most recently being a battle of COVID-19. But now he can finally say he’s a high school grad. His family and friends threw him a party and everything. He says it was something he never thought would happen.
Congrats Donald! And the lesson here for all of us… never give up on your goals.
Photo credit: Getty Images
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