Even when your team isn’t having the greatest season you can still be positive and help others. Like Jets rookie QB Zach Wilson. Who seems like a really nice kid an this story confirms it.
Christmas morning Zach Wilson was out to brunch at a diner in new York with his family when his waitress recognized him and said she and her son were big fans. She then asked if it would be okay if they FaceTime’d her son to surprise him. Zach went one better and gifted two Jets tickets to them for the next game this weekend!!
Wilson was there with his family who traveled across the country to spend Christmas with him. He told his mom to not record anything since he doesn’t do things like this for people to see. He said he just wanted her to be happy on Christmas, that makes him happy. But obviously there were other people in the diner who managed to capture the special moment on video. Here’s some of the posts:
Photo credit: Getty Images
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