Santa is coming to town this weekend! Not really, but a lot of drunk adults will be dressed as Santa all over the country! (:30)
Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give him a grade on how he did as a husband that week! Raven was doing well this week, but his habit of taking frequent naps might have gotten him in trouble! (2:43)
Anna’s bosses have commented that she sometimes has a problem staying awake. So, this week she has decided to do something about it! Yesterday, Raven tried to use music to keep Anna alert, but it seems like he picked the wrong songs… (6:42)
Cookie exchanges are very common in a lot of offices this holiday season, so if you go to the cookie exchange with store-bought stuff, that’s all I need to know about you! And that’s exactly what happened in Anna and Raven’s office… (10:23)
Can you give teachers a cash tip? Gift cards are a common gift for your kid’s teacher, but Anna is wondering if she can just skip a few steps and just give them money! (14:20)
Anna messed up. She’s the matron of honor at her best friend’s wedding tomorrow, but she forgot one key detail… (20:15)
The Santa Tipline has returned! Call 833-431-0905 and leave Santa a voicemail about who has been naughty and who has been nice. Anna and Raven will play the funniest messages on the air! (27:25)
Do you know how to pronounce Cheugy? It’s apparently one of the most mispronounced words of 2021, so Anna asked around the office to see who could pronounce that word and a few others! (30:09)
Charlie is sick of wasting money on Christmas cards and has come up with an idea. On this year’s card, they will write that this is their last year sending cards because of the unreliability of the post office and high costs. His wife, Meghan, says that sounds obnoxious. He argues that it sets a precedent for next year and they won’t get them and feel guilty. Whose side are you on? (34:09)
Tina has got a shot at $2300! Can she defeat Raven in pop culture trivia and win the prize? (42:20)