They say the average person knows if they like a present in just 14 seconds. What was the gift you gave someone that you knew they didn’t like it before 14 seconds? (0:30)
We have another Miracle Product review this morning, and this might be the best product we reviewed so far…sort of. (3:14)
If you let your child do this during a performance, that is all I need to know about you! (6:39)
The Santa Tip Line is back and is open 24/7! Here are some calls that Santa has received so far! (10:38)
Ever been stranded before? You won’t believe what happened to these people, where they got stuck and how long they were stranded for! (17:08)
Anna once bought her young cousin a lizard and realized that it was probably something a child her age shouldn’t have! What is the age-inappropriate gift you have gotten for someone or received? (20:46)
Neither Anna nor Raven have ever tried Fruit Cake before, so they decided today was the best day to try something new on-air! Is it as good as other people make it out to be!? (28:27)
Couples Court: Keith and Jessica have been dating for about a year and Keith won’t tell Jessica how much money he makes! She thinks it’s funny and they often joke about it, but she wants opinions from you. Do you think it’s a red flag that he won’t divulge his salary even though he knows exactly how much she makes? (31:48)
Will Jen stop Raven’s current win streak and earn himself the current ‘Can’t Beat Raven’ jackpot!? (39:54)
Are you jealous of your animals at all? What do they get to do (or not do) that makes you so jealous of them!? (43:38)