If you follow me on Instagram (@KevinBegley) you’ve probably seen that every October I celebrate #Socktober by posting daily photos to my story of whatever fun socks I’m wearing each day. It’s a fun bit I’ve been doing for the last couple years.
The movement has clearly caught on because now there is a boy named Jackson in Greenwich who is also celebrating #Socktober but his mission is to help as many people as possible.
He’s collecting socks all month long. This will be his 3rd annual sock drive. Over the last few years of doing it he has already collected and donated over 10,000 pairs of socks for local homeless shelters. Now with a new goal of getting even more sock, he has launched a website jacksonssocktober.com and an Instagram page @jacksons_socktober.
Love it! Go Jackson! And happy #Socktober everyone
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