How much money do you need to make to afford a private jet? Two major celebrities are in a prank war involving a private plane, but Anna isn’t sure either of them make enough money to afford it! (:30)
Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to get the details on! Today his options are; Florida man arrested for sucking toes, man turns himself in for murder of imaginary friend; and an unconventional way of trapping an alligator! (4:18)
What’s a phrase you swore you would never use as a kid, that you say all the time as an adult? Anna swore she would never become the mom who says this cliché “mom-ism” all the time, but somehow she ended up using it constantly! (8:17)
Do you have an unnatural fear? Anna has a constant fear of dropping her phone and breaking it, but that has nothing on one caller’s fear of the dreaded September Bees! (11:39)
If it’s not even October, but you’re already prepping your two-year-old for a full season of horror-themed festivities, that’s all I need to know about you! (23:06)
Miracle Whip has been trending recently, and Anna was shocked about the amount of rage being directed toward it! Having never had Miracle Whip herself, she decided there was only one thing to do… (26:35)
Do you have a name that everyone mispronounces? Anna doesn’t mind when people use a hard or soft “A” when pronouncing her name, but she hates it when people give her this nickname! (30:20)
Michelle has a big dinner coming up with her boss and his wife, and she has asked her own husband, Andrew, to leave his phone in the car during the meal so he won’t look rude by checking it. Andrew says that’s condescending of her, it’s not like he’s a child who can’t control himself! Whose side are you on? (36:31)
Sylvanna thinks that she’s got what it takes to beat Raven in pop culture trivia! Can she succeed and win the $2700 jackpot? (43:40)