Sometimes all it takes to fulfill your dream is a little help from your neighbors.
This 14-year-old in Canada named Anthony absolutely loves basketball and he spends all the time he can in his driveway practicing his dribbling skills. Recently one of his neighbors came over to the house and knocked on the door. Anthony was afraid they were going to be mad and complain that his dribbling was too loud. Turns out they wanted to support and help him out!
The reason Anthony would only practice his dribbling and not shooting is because he didn’t have an actual basketball hoop! Once people in his town caught wind of this they all pitched in money and bought him one. They even got a local business to donate too. Anthony can now practice his jump shot and hopes to play in the NBA one day.
The coolest part… his favorite player, Lebron James, heard about the story and shouted him out on his Instagram. How cool is that?!
Photo credit: Getty Images
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