I went on The Anna and Raven Show this morning to teach them about golf terms they should know for the big Star 99.9 Maritime Chevrolet Anna and Raven Open coming up July 16th. (sign up to play here)
They asked me why golfers tell “FORE!” all the time. If you golf you know that it’s a word you yell when your ball is heading towards someone after you hit it. But why the word “fore”? I got to the bottom of it.
“Fore” is another word for “ahead” or “forward”. So you use that term because you are telling to people “ahead” of you to warn them about the incoming ball. The British Golf Museum says the word was first used back in 1881. During that era golfers would use “fore-caddies” to wait for the ball to land and show them where it went. If the ball was about to hit the fore caddie they would yell “FORE!’
So there you go. Now when you play in our golf tournament on July 16th you’ll know why you’re yelling FOOOOOOOORE!.