Do you own any celebrity memorabilia? Anna has a great jacket that used to belong to a celebrity, but the sad story behind it kinda makes her feel bad for wearing it! (:30)
What’s the most you’ve ever paid on your taxes? Every year, Anna and Raven end up owing money on their taxes, and this year is no exception! (3:59)
If you get frustrated at your technology not working, but you didn’t try just shutting it down and turning it back on 30 seconds later, that’s all I need to know about you! (11:25)
What’s your routine with your pets when you leave the house? You believe the incredible lengths that Raven and his wife go to make sure his pups are safe and comfortable when he leaves the house! (14:43)
Have you ever turned down a meeting that you later regretted? One man is going viral with his story about turning down a drink with a huge celebrity! (24:31)
President Biden had a couple awkward moments while delivering a graduation speech at the Coast Guard Academy, so Anna and Raven wanted to see fi they could do better! So they both wrote a graduation speech and read them on the air! (28:24)
Naomi’s parent just told her that they are cutting her sister out of their will! Her husband Zach says she needs to let her sister know, but Naomi’s not sure. Whose side are you on? (35:16)
Raven’s on a roll and the jackpot is up to $1,300! Does Trish have what it takes to beat him in pop culture trivia and win all that money? (41:56)