The last 12 months have been a rough one. There has been far too many “emergency” situations. Between the COVID pandemic, riots in cities over the summer, and the events at the Capitol in D.C. a few days ago. Luckily as Mr. Rodgers famously once said, ” look for the helpers, you will always find people who are helping”
That is the case with Celebrity chef José Andrés. He was one of the first people to use his various restaurants that he owns to give out free food when COVID hit. Then with all the chaos at the Capitol this week, he stepped up again, handing out a bunch of free food to cops and first responders in D.C. who weren’t able to get food because of hte 6pm curfew that night.
Amazing work. Look for the helpers, indeed. always.
Hi everybody…what can I say…today was a tragic day for America. I’m here in Bethesda, picking up 120 pizzas to bring to downtown DC to the heroic women & men keeping our city safe tonight. I’m meeting my @WCKitchen team which is also bringing our kitchen truck to support…
— Please wear a mask! Do it for the World please… (@chefjoseandres) January 7, 2021
Photo credit: PR Photos