Friday November 13th, 2020
Are you afraid of going bald? No worries! You might be losing your hair, but a study shows by the time you hit a certain age, you are less likely to care about it. Find out what age it is right here! (0:00)
Every year Oprah releases a list of her favorite things. What is on her list this year? Anna & Raven fill you in. (3:44)
Beware! It’s Friday the 13th. Not only is it Friday the 13th, but its Friday the 13th during 2020. Are you superstitious? Are you doing anything to prepare yourself for the day? (7:35)
If you insist that you don’t leave the house because of the fear of Friday the 13th, than that is all I need to know about you. (11:35)
Anna got herself a weird message from a friend, but she still thinks it might be some sort of scam. What is she to do? Ask everyone who is listening to call in with their advice of course! What do people think Anna’s next course of action should be? (15:05)
Ever experience a Holiday cooking disaster? If you did, some of these stories might make you feel a bit better about your own…Or worse. You be the judge! (21:00)
Every week we check in with Ravens wife, Alicia to see how Raven behaved as a husband for the week. Will a lack of helping her paint, but a trip to grab her food make the difference in what grade he is given this week? (26:51)
Couples Court: Lucia & Joe have a new Tuesday night obligation that requires them to be out of the house for an hour or two each week, so now they’re debating if they need a babysitter to watch their 9-year-old daughter during that time. Lucia says a babysitter is an absolute must, but Joe says that she can more than handle ninety minutes alone, there is no need to spend money on a babysitter! Whose side are you on? (31:00)
We finally have a winner of the $3,700 Can’t Beat Raven jackpot! Megan and her two daughters Cora & Violet, finally put Ravens win streak to a stop. The jackpot resets on Monday again to $100. (38:54)