I’m a sucker for videos of military troops coming home to surprise their family after being away for so long. It’s just so nice to see pure excitement and joy like that. And the dog ones?! Forget about it, give me all the tissues.
This story has an added element of fun to it as this guy decided to dress up to prank his sons. From Tampa and in the Air Force Javier Franco Jr. got stuck overseas because of the pandemic, and hadn’t seen his family in 17 months. Can you imagine?! Being away from your loved ones during everything that’s been happening in 2020. Crazy. So he decided to pull a surprise prank on his sons when he got home by pretending to be the pizza delivery guy! The added element of everyone wearing masks nowadays made this prank a little easier.
As you can imagine when they finally saw his face and realized it was him, the younger son gave him a big hug. His older son couldn’t even talk and had tears in his eyes.
Here’s the video:
Photo credit: Getty Images