
The Internship Programs are non-salaried positions which are designed to give students hands-on experience. The programs are available to college students, working for academic credit, who are able to work approximately 10-15 hours per week for twelve weeks. Interns are trained and supervised by the department manager. Interns must be resourceful and willing to initiate projects. Good communications skills and attention to detail are important.

Are you looking to get radio broadcasting/digital marketing experience as part of your college course program?

Please send a cover letter and resume to Drew Carrano



  • Assist with social media projects designed to drive listener engagement
  • Support other marketing personnel to ensure brand continuity
  • Assist with event marketing
  • Forward thinking



  • Show Production – what it takes to air a daily live radio show
  • Marketing and Promotions – how to engage listeners via on air promos and local events
  • Interactive – how to drive listeners to our websites and social media platforms
  • Production – Learn to create compelling on air content